Sunday, February 2, 2014

Blog Assignment #3 - How Can You Provide Meaningful Feedback to Your Peers?

How Can You Provide Meaningful Feedback to Your Peers?

From watching the video, What Is Peer Editing, and viewing the slideshow, Peer Edit With Perfection Tutorial, I learned that improvising, editing, and revising the writing of someone my own age is the definition of peer editing. I learned the three steps to peer editing. The first step is complementing the author. The second step of peer editing is making suggestions to the author about how to make their writing better. I learned that it is best to make suggestions on word choice, using details, organization, sentences, and the topic. The third and final step to peer editing is making corrections. When making corrections check for punctuation, grammar, sentences, and spelling. The most important rules for peer editing are to stay positive and be specific!

After watching the video, Writing Peer Review Top 10 Mistakes, I learned what not to do when creating a peer review. I learned not to be picky, general, or mean. I also learned that when it is your writing being reviewed, you can not take criticism personally. The point of a peer review is to help out a fellow student and all criticism should be constructive. When completing a quality peer review, don't forget to stay positive, be specific, and complete all three steps!

This image reads keep calm and stay positive and includes a picture ow a crown.


  1. Hi. Sara. I too have learned great information on peer editing. In the past I was afraid to correct someone's writing in fear that I would offend them, I now know the proper techniques to peer edit where no one is left feeling hurt. Good Job!

  2. Good job. Include working links in every blog post.
